Color Enhanced Mulch – Brown


Sold by the cubic yard.

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SKU: CEBR Category:


This product holds color longer than regular double shredded mulch and does not fade.

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Cubic Yards Needed

Our high-quality color-enhanced mulch is made from local hardwood materials and biodegradable, environmentally-friendly dyes that provide all the benefits of regular wood mulch, including soil enhancement over time, temperature and moisture control, and weed suppression.

Color-enhanced mulches come in a variety of colors, including blond mulch, shades of deep red mulch, brown mulch and black mulch. In addition, colored mulch is designed to hold its color for an entire season. In contrast, natural wood mulch is likely to fade to gray within the first one to three months of exposure to the elements.

*Our mulches are natural products so the actual product may vary in color and texture.


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