One question we are asked is: When you are contemplating building a garden, or reseeding an area of your lawn, do you need topsoil or compost?

When building a garden, a good mix of top soil and compost gives your plants the nutrients they need. If your soil is clay-like, you definitely need a mix of both topsoil and compost, and probably at least six inches deep. Many people use raised garden beds when the soil is clay-like. The raised beds allow them to have adequate soil for plants to grow. Every spring you can work in a little of this same mix to add needed nutrients to your garden so you have lush green plants and large vegetables.

You lawn needs a good topsoil to stay healthy. Many times the topsoil has been removed by contractors and the ground underneath is compacted. Grass might be growing, but it might not be as healthy as it can be. You can help your lawn by spreading a thin layer of topsoil and compost every spring. This will eventually work its way down into the soil. Spreading this mixture of top soil and compost will not only provide nutrients for your lawn, but will also improve the soil. Doing this every spring will help your lawn be green and lush.

As you can see, the answer to question of what do you need, topsoil or compost, is both. You need both for a healthy garden and a healthy lawn. If you would like more information about topsoil and compost, please contact us.